Title: Entwined (The Life of Anna, Part 2)
Author: Marissa Honeycutt
Genre: Very Dark Paranormal Erotica
Publication Date: October 29, 2014
Tour Host: Dreams Come True Promotions
Anna has two masters, one she hardly knows, but who makes her feel safe, the other she's known all her life and says he needs her.
Alex wants her to be free.
Devin demands her obedience.
As Anna takes her first steps into the world, into love, into friendship, she wonders if she will ever understand either of them.
There is a subculture within our own world that you’ve only heard whispers of. The conspiracy theorists wish they knew Anna’s story. What the conspiracy theorists think they know is only put out there to keep them from the real story.
This is not a stand-alone novel. This is the second of five novels that tell Anna’s story.
This book is for grown-ups. This book is not for people who are easily offended, get nightmares easily, or have difficulty reading books about tough subjects. I do not glorify bad things, but bad things do happen to my poor characters. This is not your typical love story. My heroine does not fall in love and live happily ever after...at least not like the typical heroine. There is a happily ever after, but it is a long, painful journey to that end.
Anna’s story is told in five, novel-length books.
This book will likely offend you. This book might make you cry; it might make you throw up. It is a dark book. As my friend, Heidi, said, “It’s dark. It gets darker. It gets even darker, and then it gets even more darker. And then, just when you think it can’t get any darker, it does.”
But, don’t worry. I take you to the deep end gradually. ;)
There are many sexual situations in this series of books. People die. People get hurt. Things aren’t always truly the way they appear to be. The antagonist isn’t just a bad guy; he’s EVIL. My heroine’s worldview is skewed; things that may appall you are perfectly normal to her.
Any violence in this book is non-gratuitous and crucial to the plot and character development.
Do not read this if you are under the age of consent in your country. Do not get angry if the subject or actual book upsets you. If you're reading this, you've been warned.
This book series is about a sex slave. Therefore, there is sex in it. Lots of sex (though I took a bunch out. lol). Other disclaimers: Physical abuse, emotional abuse, physical torture, sexual torture, rape, death, violence, violent rape, gang rape, anal sex, regular sex, violent sex, violent anal sex, sex with non-sexual objects, sex with sexual objects, m/f, m/m, f/f, m/f/m, orgies, bloody scenes, disturbing scenes, scenes that might make you throw up or cry, scenes that make my characters throw up and cry, mindfucks, cursing, drug use, multiple snuff scenes, disturbing rituals, manipulation, brain-washing, people in disturbing situations (duh!), imperfect heroes and evil antagonists doing evil things.
Alex wants her to be free.
Devin demands her obedience.
As Anna takes her first steps into the world, into love, into friendship, she wonders if she will ever understand either of them.
There is a subculture within our own world that you’ve only heard whispers of. The conspiracy theorists wish they knew Anna’s story. What the conspiracy theorists think they know is only put out there to keep them from the real story.
This is not a stand-alone novel. This is the second of five novels that tell Anna’s story.
This book is for grown-ups. This book is not for people who are easily offended, get nightmares easily, or have difficulty reading books about tough subjects. I do not glorify bad things, but bad things do happen to my poor characters. This is not your typical love story. My heroine does not fall in love and live happily ever after...at least not like the typical heroine. There is a happily ever after, but it is a long, painful journey to that end.
Anna’s story is told in five, novel-length books.
This book will likely offend you. This book might make you cry; it might make you throw up. It is a dark book. As my friend, Heidi, said, “It’s dark. It gets darker. It gets even darker, and then it gets even more darker. And then, just when you think it can’t get any darker, it does.”
But, don’t worry. I take you to the deep end gradually. ;)
There are many sexual situations in this series of books. People die. People get hurt. Things aren’t always truly the way they appear to be. The antagonist isn’t just a bad guy; he’s EVIL. My heroine’s worldview is skewed; things that may appall you are perfectly normal to her.
Any violence in this book is non-gratuitous and crucial to the plot and character development.
Do not read this if you are under the age of consent in your country. Do not get angry if the subject or actual book upsets you. If you're reading this, you've been warned.
This book series is about a sex slave. Therefore, there is sex in it. Lots of sex (though I took a bunch out. lol). Other disclaimers: Physical abuse, emotional abuse, physical torture, sexual torture, rape, death, violence, violent rape, gang rape, anal sex, regular sex, violent sex, violent anal sex, sex with non-sexual objects, sex with sexual objects, m/f, m/m, f/f, m/f/m, orgies, bloody scenes, disturbing scenes, scenes that might make you throw up or cry, scenes that make my characters throw up and cry, mindfucks, cursing, drug use, multiple snuff scenes, disturbing rituals, manipulation, brain-washing, people in disturbing situations (duh!), imperfect heroes and evil antagonists doing evil things.
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1ERNwPv
Marissa's story of Anna began with a dream about being kidnapped with Adam Savage from Mythbusters (Yes, really). Over the next year and a half, it morphed into the story you will be reading soon. She has several other stories in progress, one of which is based on her kidnapped dream.
When she's not writing or editing, Marissa is taking care of two young boys, training to be an astronaut, running her household, wrestling with gorillas, playing around on Facebook, promoting whirled peas, and busting her tush for her accounting degree. She enjoys chocolate, air conditioning in the desert's summer heat, really good strawberry margaritas, sleeping, and shopping.
When she's not writing or editing, Marissa is taking care of two young boys, training to be an astronaut, running her household, wrestling with gorillas, playing around on Facebook, promoting whirled peas, and busting her tush for her accounting degree. She enjoys chocolate, air conditioning in the desert's summer heat, really good strawberry margaritas, sleeping, and shopping.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarissaHoneycuttAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MariHoneycutt
Author Website: http://marissahoneycutt.wordpress.com/
Author GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8306428.Marissa_Honeycutt
Reader’s discussion & support group for Part 1:http://on.fb.me/1qlo0Iq
Reader’s discussion & support group for Part 2:http://on.fb.me/1szorn9
Deleted scenes coming soon to Marissa’s blog:http://marissahoneycutt.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MariHoneycutt
Author Website: http://marissahoneycutt.wordpress.com/
Author GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8306428.Marissa_Honeycutt
Reader’s discussion & support group for Part 1:http://on.fb.me/1qlo0Iq
Reader’s discussion & support group for Part 2:http://on.fb.me/1szorn9
Deleted scenes coming soon to Marissa’s blog:http://marissahoneycutt.wordpress.com/
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